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Fixing `flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/firebase_auth-0.15.4/ios/Classes/FLTFirebaseAuthPlugin.m:505:38: error: no known class method for selector 'credentialWithProviderID:IDToken:rawNonce:accessToken:'`

TLDR Run flutter clean. Long version I got this error when compiling my app for iOS. A quick search pointed me to https://github.com/FirebaseExtended/flutterfire/issues/1679 from Dec 2019. Apparently firebase_auth: ^0.15.3 doesn't compile in iOS? I'm on 0.15.4. They suggest to
6 min read

Fixing `Execution failed for task ':firebase_auth:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'. java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)`

My Flutter app stopped compiling today, with the following exception: Execution failed for task ':firebase_auth:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'. > java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message) A search led me to https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/27090, which states you should migrate to AndroidX by setting two variables in android/gradle.
1 min read