Profiling a Dart CLI app
I had some trouble finding the docs for it, so I'll give you the right link:
- At, they link out to Flutter's CPU profiler.
There's a few gotchas. First you need to enable the Profiler after the app has launched. Second, if the app terminates, the Profiler closes as well. Because of that, I had to set up two break points and profile in this manner:
- Run the app in Debug mode.
- When the Debugger stops at the first breakpoint, activate the Profiler and hit Record.
- Resume the Run until you hit the second breakpoint.
- Stop the Profiler, but do not stop the Debugging.
- Analyze the results.

Test after switching from firstWhere to a Map. Before:
factory Book.fromString(String code) =>
Book.values.firstWhere((l) => l.code == code);
static Map<String, Book> _codeToBook =
Map.fromEntries( => MapEntry(e.code, e)));
factory Book.fromString(String code) => _codeToBook[code]!;

Perhaps the list is too short for Map to be faster. I'll keep the old version then.